Keeping Your Capsule Wardrobe Feeling New & Fun!! Tip #1 is the Best!

March 25, 2021

Hey friends! How’s it going?? If you’ve began or are considering starting a capsule wardrobe, you might be concerned about its longevity. How will the same clothes still feel fresh and new after several years? What if I get bored? These are totally normal questions to ask about this big lifestyle change! Keeping your capsules feeling “new” is possible, though, and I’m going to tell you a few ways to do this!

  1. Stop boredom shopping for clothes. Not only is this a waste of time and a bad habit, but it’s also a capsule wardrobe killer. You may have heard the saying “where your attention goes, energy flows”. This is exactly why I’d discourage you from this habit. If your constantly paying attention to all the new trends and all the clothes that you don’t have, it’s going to make what you DO have feel a lot less exciting. It’s all about changing your perspective. I still get that excited, new clothes feeling when I pull out my capsules after 3 years. I’d credit a lot of that feeling to the fact that I almost never browse for clothes anymore unless I’m in need of something. The way to stop boredom shopping is pretty simple: fill that time with something more meaningful, that you enjoy, is productive, needs to be done, etc.
  2. Swap a few items between capsules. If you’re feeling like you need a change, a really easy way to switch things up, that will cost you nothing, is to trade a piece or two between capsules. Maybe take a couple of T- shirts from your Spring capsule and trade them for a shirt from your Winter capsule and a skirt from your Summer capsule. Most people divide their capsules based on season, but it’s definitely good practice to have a few pieces in each capsule that are useful year-round so you can do this!
  3. Purchase a couple new pieces. This is a tricky one because if you began you’re capsule wardrobe to get away from the mindless purchasing of clothes that eventually piles up to an unmanageable mountain, you don’t want this to be your ticket back into that habit. There are two ways to go about this. One: If you know that you’re a sucker for good deals and trendy pieces, set a time for when you think it’s reasonable to buy a couple new pieces for each capsule. Maybe every 2-3 years you do this and ever 5 years you give away a few pieces from each capsule. Even if you purchase 6- 8 clothes every couple years, you’re still saving a lot of money and getting good use out of the items you’re replacing. Two: (this is what I do) Add and replace as needed. Personally I’ve never really liked shopping, so once I got out of the habit of boredom shopping and filled that time with more enjoyable activities, I never felt the need to go back, even when I’ve added to my capsules here and there. If you trust yourself to not go overboard, this is a great option. A good example of how this works is when, last year, I added a long coat to my Fall/ Winter capsule because I only had one warm coat and it gets colder in Arizona that most people think. I was getting sick of wearing the same grey pea-coat everyday, so I added a long, cream colored coat and there zero thoughts of what else could I add. For either of these options, it’s really all about holding yourself accountable so that your capsule wardrobe it still serving its purpose.

Using any one or all three of these tips will help keep things feeling fun and new. Like I said, I still get excited when I bring out one of my capsules and that’s one of the main reasons I love this lifestyle change. It’s helped me appreciate what I do have without focusing or worrying about what I don’t have or think I need. It’s taught me to shop for quality and not for quantity and the value of only purchasing items that I REALLY love! I hope you’ve found this helpful and thank you for reading!!



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